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Arthur Conan Doyle böcker

Nedan listas alla böcker av författaren Arthur Conan Doyle.
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Titel Författare   Genre Recensioner Betyg Inlagd
A Study in Scarlet A Study in Scarlet  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 3 3,3 2008-03-08
Baskervilles hund Baskervilles hund  Doyle, Arthur Con Klassiker 17 3,5 2004-10-25
De fyras tecken De fyras tecken  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Klassiker 4 4,2 2012-02-12
Det mystiska bandet  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 1 5 2020-10-19
En studie i rött En studie i rött  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Roman 4 3,5 2013-03-02
His Last Bow His Last Bow  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 2 2 2008-12-27
Sherlock Holmes bragder Sherlock Holmes bragder  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Novellsamling 3 3,7 2012-05-21
Sherlock Holmes i Skräckens dal Sherlock Holmes i Skräckens da  Conan Doyle, Arthur Roman 1 4 2020-10-17
Sherlock Holmes versus professor Moriarty Sherlock Holmes versus profess  Conan Doyle, Arthur Deckare/Noveller 1 4 2020-09-08
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Adventures of Sherlock Hol  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 5 2,6 2008-07-27
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes The Case-Book of Sherlock Holm  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 2 2 2008-12-28
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 3 1,3 2008-08-16
The Return of Sherlock Holmes The Return of Sherlock Holmes  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 5 1,6 2008-09-02
The Sign of the Four The Sign of the Four  Doyle, Arthur Con Deckare 3 2,3 2008-07-27
The Valley of Fear The Valley of Fear  Doyle, Arthur Con Roman 2 3,5 2008-12-25


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